Radiography Accessories रेडियोग्राफी सहायक उपकरण
JE FILM DRYING CABINET जेई फिल्म सुखाने कैबिनेट
Model JE FDC-25
JE are indulged in manufacturing, exporting and supplying an excellent quality X-Ray Film Drying Cabinet.This cabinet is used to dry the prints of X-Ray films with the help of blower installed in it. The offered cabinet is manufactured utilizing high grade components and advanced technology in line with set international quality norms. Available in several technical specifications, this X -Ray Film
Drying Cabinet can be purchased from us at nominal prices. जेई एक उत्कृष्ट गुणवत्ता वाले एक्स-रे फिल्म सुखाने कैबिनेट की विनिर्माण, निर्यात और आपूर्ति में शामिल हैं। इस कैबिनेट में एक्स-रे फिल्मों के प्रिंटों को सूखने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है जिसमें ब्लोअर स्थापित किया गया है। प्रस्तावित कैबिनेट सेट-अंतरराष्ट्रीय गुणवत्ता मानदंडों के अनुरूप उच्च-स्तरीय घटकों और उन्नत तकनीक का उपयोग करने के लिए निर्मित है। कई तकनीकी विशिष्टताओं में उपलब्ध है, यह एक्स-रे फिल्म सुखाने कैबिनेट नाममात्र कीमतों पर हम से खरीदा जा सकता है
- High performance
- Noise free operations
- Low power consumption
- High operational fluency
JE Portable Industrial LED Film Viewer जेई पोर्टेबल औद्योगिक एलईडी फिल्म व्यूअर
Johari Engineering X-ray Film Viewers have gone Green to Save the Environment. All viewers are now available in their new Avatar with energy saving HalozenBase (Yellow) as light source. Designs have been modified –with Trendy looks, HalozenBase (Yellow) source, Corrosion resistant Body & Compact size. जौहरी इंजीनियरिंग एक्सरे फिल्म व्यूअर ने पर्यावरण को बचाने के लिए ग्रीन चलाया है। अब सभी दर्शक अपने नए अवतार में ऊर्जा बचत वाले हेलोोजेनबेज (पीला) के साथ प्रकाश स्रोत के रूप में उपलब्ध हैं। डिजाइनों को संशोधित किया गया है – फैशनेबल दिखने के साथ, हेलोज़ेनबेस (पीला) स्रोत, जंग प्रतिरोधी बॉडी और कॉम्पैक्ट आकार।
- Advantages of HalozenBase (Yellow) over conventional Halogen lamps in X-ray Film Viewers
- Energy Saving :Up to 80% saving in power consumption. Pays back in 3 months on extra cost of equipment.
- Better Brightness: With the use of Special type HalozenBase (Yellow), JE High Intensity HalozenBase (Yellow) Film Viewers can view Films with density up 4.5D.
- Light Weight: The New redesigned film viewers are compact & light weight.
- Standard features: Foot switch, controller for light Intensity/Brightness,
- Sliding Shutters / Aperture to control viewing screen area, Reading light built in the main screen.
Flexible Film Cassettes लचीला फिल्म कैसेट
Flexible/Single Envelope Cassettes are of a similar design. They are single envelope, open at one end for loading and unloading film/screens. The open end is held closed and light sealed by means of ‘VELCRO’ nylon fastener. There is an extra finger tab at the sealed end to assist in holding the cassette to the bench for easier and quicker unloading. Closure is normally made of the shorter side of a rectangular cassette but ‘specials’, with the opening on the long side, can be supplied to order. लचीला / एकल लिफाफा कैसेट एक समान डिजाइन के हैं। वे एकल लिफ़ाफ़ हैं, फिल्म / स्क्रीन लोड करने और उतारने के लिए एक छोर पर खुले हैं। खुले अंत को बंद किया जाता है और ‘वीएलसीआरओ’ नायलॉन फास्टनर के माध्यम से बंद कर दिया जाता है। आसान और तेज उतारने के लिए बेंच में कैसेट को पकड़ने में सहायता करने के लिए मुहरबंद अंत में एक अतिरिक्त उंगली टैब है। आम तौर पर एक आयताकार कैसेट के छोटे पक्ष से बंद होता है, लेकिन ‘विशेष’, लंबे समय तक खोलने के साथ, आदेश को आपूर्ति की जा सकती है।
Standard Single Envelope Cassettes are made from 400 micron black PVC. Over the years these have become the standard cassette for industry not recommended for use in very cold weather.
Reinforced Single Envelope Cassettes are made from thin, yet strong PVC/Nylon/PVC laminated material. the Nylon reinforcement is in the form of a mesh and reduces the tendency of the PVC to split at the seams after much use.The PVC laminate retains its flexibility in cold climates and is more suitable for use at low temperatures.
One Seam Reinforced Single Envelope Cassettes are made to outlast any other flexible type of cassette. Constructed without side seams from rugged Nylon reinforced PVC, with one joint at the back of the cassette, overcoming the weakness and tendency to split experienced with other single envelope cassettes that are welded along the sides. Made from specially formulated, heavy duty, Nylon reinforced PVC coloured Black on the inside and Yellow on the outside for easy recognition.
Double Envelope Cassettes consist of two plain, black envelopes without any means of closure. Film and screens are loaded into the inner envelope, the smaller of the two. This is then inserted, open end first, into the larger, outer envelope. light tightness is assured because the open end of the inner envelope is up against the closed end of outer. They are made from standard 400 micron PVC material and are clearly marked on the inner and outer envelopes for easy identification in the darkroom or on site.
Special Cassettes can be supplied to customers own requirements.
Single Envelope up to 3 metres long for pipeline work.
Radiation Activated Audio-Visual Alarm विकिरण सक्रिय ऑडियो-दृश्य अलार्म
Radiation Activated Audio/ Visual Alarm
Portable battery operated radiation activated alarm designed for Gamma-ray inspection areas utilizing an internal GM tube. The alarm will indicate audibly before and visually when an exposure is in progress which can also be connected to the mains with battery backup for continuous monitoring. The unit has a 220Volt built in battery charger and has the facility to manually operate for pre-warning purposes. पोर्टेबल बैटरी ने एक आंतरिक जीएम ट्यूब का उपयोग करने वाले गामा-रे निरीक्षण क्षेत्रों के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया विकिरण सक्रिय अलार्म। अलार्म पहले और नेत्रहीन रूप से संकेत देता है जब एक एक्सपोजर प्रगति पर है, जो लगातार निगरानी के लिए बैटरी बैकअप के साथ मुख्य रूप से कनेक्ट किया जा सकता है। यूनिट के पास 220Volt बैटरी चार्जर में बनाया गया है और पूर्व चेतावनी उद्देश्यों के लिए मैन्युअल रूप से संचालित करने की सुविधा है।
Radiation Warning Signs विकिरण चेतावनी के संकेत
Radiation Warning Signs
The range of – 320 x 400mm rectangular warning signs are available printed on either Rigid aluminium composite laminate or flexible Self-adhesive vinyl. The signs are suitable for external use in all weather conditions being printed with premium quality (EN71 approved) waterproof inks.
All the signs are to the same basic design, conforming to the current ionising radiations regulations. Each sign has space for the name of the Radiation Protection Supervisor and telephone number.
They differ in the wording beneath the trefoil and in the prohibition sign, as illustrated
Radiation warning signs are available printed in any language.
SS Ceeveetong—2 Mtr. in SS
Radiation Survey Meter (X-Rays and Gamma Rays)
Yellow Chalk
Digital Dark Room Timer
Lead Intensifying Screens
Lead Intensifying Screens are thin sheets of lead foil mounted on card for ease of handling. One is placed either side of x-ray film and in close contact with it, inside the cassette or film holder prior to exposure. They are used in most radiographic techniques, excluding some of those employing low kilo-voltages, because they reduce the exposure required and improve the quality of the image. The screens are made from the finest available radiographic lead foil, laminated onto flexible white photographic base card. The lead surface is not covered with a lacquer coating. The specially formulated lead-rich alloy is hard enough not to cause the transfer of deposits onto the film in normal use. Un-coated lead also has the advantages of higher intensification and the absence of problems associated with uneven coating or melting or partial wearing away of the lacquer. The corners of the screens are rounded to a convenient radius to prevent damage to films and cassettes. Each screen is clearly stamped with the lead thickness.To ensure that the screens are received in perfect condition, the lead surface is protected by a PEEL-OFF protective plastic film. IT IS ESSENTIAL that the protective film is removed before using the screens.The film is best removed by applying a piece of
adhesive tape to the corner of the screen, the tape and film will peel away together cleanly and easily.
Intensifying screens are made in sizes for all the world markets. Standard metric and imperial sizes are cut according to BS3490:1985 and ISO 5655-1982. Special sizes can be made to order. The following lead thicknesses (mm.) are available; 0.050, 0.100, 0.125, 0.150, 0.200, 0.250, 0.500, 0.750, 1.000, 1.500, 2.000 and 3.000. Pairs of any thickness combinations can be supplied. Screens are normally sold in 5, 10 or 25 pair packs, but those thicker than 0.250mm are available only in single pair packs.
Intermediate (centre) screens, with lead foil on each side of the card support, are available with any lead thickness. Most commonly they are supplied as 0.10mm (0.05 lead on each side) or 0.20mm (0.10mm of lead on each side)
IQI EN 462-1 / ISO 19232
EN 462-1:1994-ISO 19232 Wire Type were introduced as a EUROPEAN STANDARD to supersede the German Standards Institute (DIN 54.109) and the British Standards Institute (BS3971:1980 type 1) Image Quality Indicators. Each indicator consists of a series of seven parallel wires of different thickness mounted and encapsulated between two thin sheets of transparent, flexible PVC. A lead monogram indicates the number of the thickest wire, the material and the EN symbol.
Wire lengths ; 10mm, 25mm or 50mm (Please state length required when ordering)
Indicator Sizes:
There are four sizes of EN-ISO Image Quality Indicators.
Size 1 – contains wire numbers 1 to 7 and used for material thicknesses in the range of 40 to 160mm
Size 6 – contains wire numbers 6 to 12 and used for material thicknesses in the range of 12.5 to 50mm
Size 10 – contains wire numbers 10 to 16 and used for material thicknesses in the range of 5 to 20mm
Size 13 – contains wire numbers 13 to 19 and used for material thicknesses in the range 2.5 to 10mm
All sizes are available in Steel (Fe), Aluminium (Al), and Copper (Cu) Titanium (Ti) Image Quality Indicators are only available in sizes 10 and 13.
As an illustration the identification (i.e. lead monogram) for, say Size 1 (Wire numbers 1 to 7) in carbon steel (Fe) would be 1 FE EN
All EN-ISO Image Quality Indicators are individually numbered and supplied with a Certificate of Conformity
Image Quality Indicator EN 462-2
This European standard replaces the previous national standards such as NFA 09 – 205 (AFNOR) or BS 3971. They are manufactured in Carbon Steel as standard and can also be manufactured in Aluminium, Copper, Titanium to order.
There is a direct correlation between the specified EN models and the previous AFNOR types:
EN Model H1 H5 H9 H13
Description. The EN 462-2 IQIs compriseof six plaques, measuring 5 x 7mm, 7 x 10mm or 15 x 15mm, which are encapsulated in transparent plastic along with an identification monogram in cast white metal. Each plaque has one or two through-drilled holes whose diameter is the same as the plaque thickness. The IQIs are supplied in a wallet with a Declaration of Conformity.
Quality Assurance. Manufacturing, including inspection, follows a written procedure, which forms part of a Quality Management System registered according to ISO 9001. Each IQI carries a unique serial number. The Declaration of Conformity provides a complete manufacturing history.
The monogram within the IQI identifies the model, for example, H 13 FE means:
H = Hole type IQI, 13 = Number of the thinnest step, FE= Steel.
H1 Stepwedge Range 0.125 to 4mm Material Thickness 6.3 to 20mm
H5 Stepwedge Range 0.32 to 1mm material Thickness 16 to 50mm
H9 Stepwedge Range 0.8 to 2.5mm material Thickness 40 to 125mm
H13 Stepwedge Range 2 to 6.3mm Material Thickness 100 to 315mm
Duplex IQI EN462-5
Duplex IQI
The Duplex IQI is used in many X-ray applications, especially in digital X-ray. Designed for evaluating total image unsharpness of film and additionally basic spatial resolution of digital images according to EN 13068 (Radioscopy), EN 14784 and ISO 13671
CR – Computed Radiography with imaging plates), ISO 17636-2 (digital radiology of welds – flat panel detectors) or ASTM E 2597 (characterization of digital detector arrays). A new ISO standard is in preparation, describing the possibility of using the Duplex IQI for determination of focal spot size of X-ray tubes.
Image valuation with Duplex Wire Type IQI
In radiography the wire pair with largest diameter d has to be identified, which cannot be separated visually.
The radiographic film may be magnified up to 4X.
In digital radiology the separation between wires (Dip) is evaluated. The wire pair with largest d, showing Dip less than 20 percent of the wire pair contrast, identifies total image unsharpness (U = 2d) and basic spatial resolution (SRb = d) of digital image.
Scope of supply:
Duplex Wire Type IQI in wooden box with Instructions,
Declaration of Conformity according to ISO/IEC 17050-1 and individual Test Certificate according to ASTM E 2002, ISO 19232-5 with all relevant measurements
Lead Letters : A – Z
Lead Numbers : 0 – 9
Size available : 5 mm, 7 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 19 mm ( 3/16”, ¼”, 3/8”, ½” ¾”)
Style : Standard and Deep drawn ( Heavy thickness