Ultrasonic Accessories अल्ट्रासोनिक सहायक उपकरण

JE Ultrasonic Transducers अल्ट्रासोनिक सहायक उपकरण

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Transducers अल्ट्रासोनिक दोष डिटेक्टर ट्रांसड्यूसर


Contact Transducers Straight Beam Contact Transducers, Protective


  • General purpose, larger parts with simple geometry
  • Forgings, billets
  • Plates, bars, square profiles
  • Containers, machine components, shells
  • Inspection at high temperature with delay line

Contact Transducers Angle Beam Transducers—Large & Small Sizes  संपर्क ट्रांसड्यूसर कोण बीम ट्रांसड्यूसर-बड़े और छोटे आकार


  • General weld inspection, larger objects, thicker sections
  • Pipes, tanks, pressure vessels
  • Axles, forgings, castings
  • Bridges and other structures
  • Railroad wheels and rail
  • Replicable & Integrated wedges

Contact Transducers Dual Element (TR) Transducer संपर्क ट्रांसड्यूसर दोहरी तत्व (टीआर) ट्रांसड्यूसर


  • Transmit and receive elements separated by crosstalk barrier
  • Requires couplant layer, typically a gel, oil, or paste
  • Typically used for manual inspection
  • Remaining wall thickness, corrosion, erosion
  • Near surface flaw detection
  • Small parts—screws, bolts, pins
  • Cladding and weld overlay
  • Bond testing
  • Railroad wheels
  • Core flaws in shafts, bars, billets
  • Coarse grain materials
  • Excellent near surface resolution
  • Improved coupling on curved and rough surfaces
  • Reduce noise caused by scattering
  • Can be contoured for curved parts

Contact Transducers Angle Beam Dual Element (TR) Transducer संपर्क ट्रांसड्यूसर कोण बीम दोहरी तत्व (टीआर) ट्रांसड्यूसर


  • Testing of small to middle sized objects with smooth or slightly rough surfaces, whose material does not greatly have sound attenuative effect on shear waves. For example. They are used on small mountings for the detection of radial cracks, corrosion cracks on the inside of thin walled containers, as well as transverse cracks on heat exchanger tubes in the direct scanning mode.
  • Detection and evaluation of small, near surface flaws
  • Thin-walled tubes and containers
  • matched point focusing to the flaw position
  • Angles of 45° , 60° and 70° Frequency of 2 and 4MHz

Transducer Accessories Cables, Adapters, Membrane , Couplant ट्रांसड्यूसर सहायक उपकरण केबल और एडेप्टर

Cable Type Length  in Meter First Connector Second Connector
JEL0 L0 1.5,2,3,5 Mtr Lemo 00/ Mini Lemo Lemo 00/ Mini Lemo
JEL0 L1 1.5,2,3,5 Mtr Lemo 00/ Mini Lemo Lemo 01/ Lemo
JEL0 BNC 1.5,2,3,5 Mtr Lemo 00/ Mini Lemo BNC
JEL0 M 1.5,2,3,5 Mtr Lemo 00/ Mini Lemo Microdot
JEL1 BNC 1.5,2,3,5 Mtr Lemo 01/ Lemo BNC
JEL1 M 1.5,2,3,5 Mtr Lemo 01/ Lemo Microdot
JEL1 L1 1.5,2,3,5 Mtr Lemo 01/ Lemo Lemo 01/ Lemo
JE M M 1.5,2,3,5 Mtr Microdot Microdot

 Ultrasonic Calibration Blocks अल्ट्रासोनिक अंशांकन ब्लॉक

Product Description Size mm
V1 (A2) V1 (A2) Calibration standard for the calibration of shear and compression wave probes, time base and sensitivity settings, verification of beam angle, emission point, resolution, 1.5mm Ø target hole. Includes case. (Compliant with EN ISO 2400:2012). 25 x 100 x 300 (weight 6.2kgs) Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium
Block V2 (A4) (12.5mm) V2/12.5 (A4) Miniature calibration block for site checking of shear wave probes, verification of beam angles, calibration of time base and sensitivity settings with 1.5mm Ø target hole. Includes case. (Compliant with EN ISO 7963 12.5 Thick Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium
Block A5 Beam calibration block for beam profile measurement and resolution checks for shear wave probes, also sensitivity levels for shear and compression probes. 9 x 1.5mm Ø target holes. Includes case. 25 x 50 x 150
RTB (A7) Resolution Block for checking shear wave probe resolution as per BS4331 Part 3 1974. 4 steps at 2, 3, 4 and 5mm. 25 x 20 x 165 (0.6kg)
DAC Block Setting DAC characteristics of shear wave and compression wave probes. Flaws typically 1.5mm diameter holes at 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of thickness. Size dependent upon Weld Thickness Carbon Steel Stainless Steel
LSW 1-8 Thickness Step Wedge 8 steps from 1mm to 8mm Pad size: 15mmIncludes case Carbon Steel ,Stainless Steel, Aluminium
LSW 1-10 Thickness Step Wedge

10 steps at 1mm Pad size: 15mm

Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium
CSW Curved Block Thickness Measurement

5 steps at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10mm for time base calibration of thickness measuring probe

Carbon Steel

JE Ultrasonic Thickness Transducers जेई अल्ट्रासोनिक मोटाई ट्रांसड्यूसर


For Thickness Gauge

Probe  Code Meas. Range (In Steel ) Crystal dia. in mm Frequency
JE 5TG 1.0mm to 230.0mm 10 5Mhz
JE 5TG 1.2mm to 200.0mm 8 5Mhz
JE 7TG 0.75 to 80mm 6 7Mhz
JE 10TG 0.7 to 12mm 4 10Mhz
JE 2TG 3.0mm~300.0mm 20 2Mhz


JE UFD Probe 


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